The Lennon's

The Lennon's
Living Life to the Fullest and thanking God Everyday

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Life is crazy sometimes, you seem to get wrapped up in work, kids, housework and seem to forget to stop and smell the roses. In the rat race of life I forgot sometimes that I needed to make time for the the one that truly mattered, yes my family means everything, yes I need my job but GOD. He is the one that will never fail you, will always be there to listen and never judge you.

"the lord will fight for you, you will only need to be still." Exodus 14:14

This spoke to me this morning, I read this and this is so true. I try to do everything, please everyone and there is only one that I need to answer to, the only one that will always be in my corner. 

I am blessed to have an amazing sister in law (she is more like a sister), we are able to grow in our faith together. When life drags us down we are able to call on each other and we are there to find a helpful scripture that brings us up. 

"Listen to good ADVICE if you want to live well" Proverbs 15:31

Life is the reason it has been a week since I have blogged, I can make every excuse in the book but in the end your decisions are what you make and that is what you have to answer for, I have decided to live for life, live for myself and love life!!

" His Love Gives Life" John 10: 10-11

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