The Lennon's

The Lennon's
Living Life to the Fullest and thanking God Everyday

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Our Fur Babies

"A Righteous man cares for the need of his Animals" Proverbs 12:10

It has been the two of us from the beginning. I had a miscarriage in 2003, this was after being married 5 months at the age of 18 and the first time being away from home. Matt and I were devastated, we were crushed is more like it. My husband the big bad Marine was in tears in the waiting room that day.  A couple days after that he came home with a surprise this sweet black and white hound dog that also had been through a ruff couple of weeks, he had been taken back to the shelter 3 times and was going to be put down the day that Matt went to get us a puppy, Matt said that he was meant to bring him home. We named him Chesty (yes ooh-rah) and he was the sweetest dog that we could have asked for, he traveled the 6 hour drive back and forth from Beaufort, SC and Grifton, NC twice a month with no problem. I feel that God put our sweet Chesty in our life. 
Once we moved back home in 2006 we got our Bandit, sweet and innocent, not a mean bone in his body. He was the runt of the litter of puppies that my mother in laws dog had and he was the last to be picked and since he was also black and white we felt that Chesty and Bandit would make the best of brothers.
Then we went crazy, knocked our head or something but decided that two dogs are not enough..NO!! Lets add a Dalmatian, Matt was on the fire department and he wanted a fire dog and I said why not. Ember came into our lives in 2011. What a joy she is, she is a great joy full of energy but so lovable all in the same.
 On a January 31, 2017 our sweet Chesty crossed the rainbow bridge after a long battle with congestive heart failure. That day I laid with him for the last time, kissed his sweet nose for the last time and told him that I loved him for the last time. That was so hard, it was like loosing a child, we saved him from death and this time we could not, the vet said that we gave him a wonderful life but the road was at the end and the rainbow has begun, that was the worst words that I have ever heard. That day we said good bye and be a good boy for the last time.
Many people criticized us for the money that we spent on Chesty to keep hi alive and comfortable for the last two years of his life. What people do not understand that we do not have kids, our fur babies are our kids, and I ask what is wrong with that. Yes we spoil them, yes we plan most of our lives around them but they are our family and as I sit here writing this I have one one either side of me. Dogs will show you the most unconditional love, they are always there for you when you are happy, sad, mad and anywhere in between. You can not say that for many humans.

As we embark on our adoption adventure we want to make sure that we do not leave our first born out, we want to make sure that they know that they are still loved and they are not put on the back burner. I know that this is not going to be easy as they are not use to having a little person in the house but as time goes on I hope that they can get use to the idea, and enjoy being a big brother and sister.

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