The Lennon's

The Lennon's
Living Life to the Fullest and thanking God Everyday

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Rising Above

Rising above is so hard at times, you always want to take the high road but at times it is so much easier to take the slum road and play dirty with others. Some people live their lives this way. I know a person that this is how they live their everyday life, they tear people down, criticize everything that they do and they feel that this is ok. 
I have always asked how people can be this way, the answer I get is maybe that is the way they are raised, that is their personality, or I just don't know. People that are so negative and want to bring everyone down like that are just miserable people. They rarely are happy, they have few things in life to be happy about and I feel like their mission in life is to make you to feel as miserable as they are.

Many times in my life I have felt like that I did not know why I was here but never did I get to the point that I wanted to make someone feel so horrible about themselves. I know that I am not the only one in the boat, it took me a long time to find my self esteem again after being told by this person over and over again that I was dumb, stupid, a drama queen (lets mention I was diagnosed with lupus during all this) and too crazy to be a parent. Everyone around me knew what I was going through and knew what I was dealing with infertility and just being diagnosed with lupus.  This person was suppose to be a person that was suppose to be a support, but they were so miserable that they could not see what they were doing.

So what I had to do is RISE UP, find who my true support system was, I found that I had an amazing family that stood behind Matt and I. I could not have asked for better. I began to pray for God to help me find the strength to stand tall. 
I will always remember 
"Stand firm, and you will win life." Luke 21:19

I had to remember to stand without the negativity. I know the person that I am, I am a good person, a honest and Godly person. I can not believe that I let one person have so much control over me. But never again. I hope that this post helps just one person know that you can stand tall, rise above and step out on faith. 

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

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